Transparency for a strong Risk Culture!
At the core of a strong risk& compliance culture, you need transparency!
But it is not always easy to start the journey towards more transparency
Transparency creates the environment, that puts a spot light on anything, which is unclear, ambiguous or in a grey zone. And transparency allows everyone to create certainty for themselves and those around them, that what they are doing is right.
It is not possible to have only yes/no choices. Already the different stakeholders: Shareholder, Customer, Employees, Society, Environment create dilemma, that have to be solved case by case. And you cannot afford to have those decisions always be escalated to the top. A clear guideline starting with acknowledging the different stakeholders and possibly prioritising them, is invaluable to help people take judgements in alignment with the organisation’s strategy and values. Those companies and leaders, who always want it all, delegate the solving of the dilemma down. And when faced with this, people will decide on the safest course for themselves. Especially in an environment, that is not transparent and therefore not safe.
It is not so easy to start the personal journey towards more transparency and openness, let alone an organisational one.
WHY? We will start with good intentions, but in times of risk or a crisis, we tend to default back to old patterns of behaviour.